Nordkalottleden info

I'm sorry I can't speak swedish. Hope english is fine.

I'm planning a hike of the Nordkalottleden this next summer and I'm having big trouble finding info in a language I can understand. I eventually tried my luck through the swedish in the registration process and as I write this I think I'm through.

If you can help me with some general questions I'll be so grateful. For the moment, the one thing I want to arrange as soon as possible is the transportation so I can get a not too expensive air fare. So my first question will be about access to the northern end of the trail in Kautokeino, Norway. I have road maps so I see where roads are but there doesn't seem to be any sort of public transportation to this place.

My initial plan is to fly into (and out of) Stockholm because it seems to be the easiest place to get to when I'm done with the hike. I know I can take a train from there to Kiruna/Abisko. Would it be feasible to get to Kautokeino from there? It's not too far but I'd have to get there across Finland and then Norway on secondary roads so I don't think there'll be any public transportation there... how about hitch-hiking? Would you disrecommend it for some reason? not practical maybe?

I'm open to suggestions. I welcome any bit of info, anything helps.

Thanks in advance,
inaki (from spain)
inaki; sa:
I'm sorry I can't speak swedish. Hope english is fine.

I'm planning a hike of the Nordkalottleden this next summer and I'm having big trouble finding info in a language I can understand. I eventually tried my luck through the swedish in the registration process and as I write this I think I'm through.

If you can help me with some general questions I'll be so grateful. For the moment, the one thing I want to arrange as soon as possible is the transportation so I can get a not too expensive air fare. So my first question will be about access to the northern end of the trail in Kautokeino, Norway. I have road maps so I see where roads are but there doesn't seem to be any sort of public transportation to this place.

My initial plan is to fly into (and out of) Stockholm because it seems to be the easiest place to get to when I'm done with the hike. I know I can take a train from there to Kiruna/Abisko. Would it be feasible to get to Kautokeino from there? It's not too far but I'd have to get there across Finland and then Norway on secondary roads so I don't think there'll be any public transportation there... how about hitch-hiking? Would you disrecommend it for some reason? not practical maybe?

I'm open to suggestions. I welcome any bit of info, anything helps.

Thanks in advance,
inaki (from spain)

Hello Inaki,

I went to Kautokeino in 2004 and hiked the Nordkalotten-trail down to Kilpisjaervi.

From Kiruna you can travel by bus to Karesuando at the border to Finland. Actually, Karesuando recides on both sides of the border, Karesuvanto being the finnish name of this border-town :).

Cross the bridge over to the other side, and take a ride with the finnish busline Eskelinen Lapinlijnat from Karesuvanto to Palojoensu, from were another bus eventually will take you to Kautokeino.

The thing is that the bus from Kiruna to Karesuando will get there to late to catch the bus on the finnish side, so you will have to stay the night in Karesuando and move on next day. There is however a excellent camping there, quite close to the busstop.




Link to swedish Karesuando:

Note that finnish time is GMT + 2 hours, Swedish time is GMT + 1 hour.

Good luck :)!

[Ändrat av joru 2007-06-06 kl 00:41]
hey, thank you both, excellent info. I had already considered flying to Alta but apparently I had to go via Oslo and it turned out to be quite pricey. Great to know there's public transport all the way from Kiruna, I'll probably go that way.

Now, Joru, you say you hiked to Kilpisjarvi. That's great news, it looked like no one was hiking that section! :) I've got very little info on that part in english, just a brief description that doesn't completely agree with the trail that's shown on the maps (when there's a trail shown at all) so I'm a bit lost regarding this section. It'll be great if you can share some knowledge here. How's the trail in this area? easy to follow? any significan problems or issues worth mentioning? The 1:50.000 norwegian maps I've got show a trail almost all the way but as I was mentioning, there are places where the map trail does not match the description I have (even if the description is *very* general) and they don't show any trail at all in the section from Saraelv south to the Finnish border.
With a map and a trail marked on it I feel I'm good to go but in this section I don't feel I have that. Is there any source (either internet or printed) where I can see a depiction/description of the trail route? No worries for the Swedish sections, it's the rest that worries me. I've just ordered the german guidebood (Peter Bieckel's) even if I can't read german in case there's such depiction, that'd be helpful.

Anyway, to cut it short: any info on the Kautokeino - Kilpisjarvi section is so much welcome. I'll be starting in early August. For a bit of background, I'm a experienced hiker and wilderness traveler but have never hiked in the arctic regions. Never been there at all actually (and I can't wait!)
Thanks again, I so much appreciate the help
inaki; sa:
hey, thank you both, excellent info. I had already considered flying to Alta but apparently I had to go via Oslo and it turned out to be quite pricey. Great to know there's public transport all the way from Kiruna, I'll probably go that way.

Now, Joru, you say you hiked to Kilpisjarvi. That's great news, it looked like no one was hiking that section! :) I've got very little info on that part in english, just a brief description that doesn't completely agree with the trail that's shown on the maps (when there's a trail shown at all) so I'm a bit lost regarding this section. It'll be great if you can share some knowledge here. How's the trail in this area? easy to follow? any significan problems or issues worth mentioning? The 1:50.000 norwegian maps I've got show a trail almost all the way but as I was mentioning, there are places where the map trail does not match the description I have (even if the description is *very* general) and they don't show any trail at all in the section from Saraelv south to the Finnish border.
With a map and a trail marked on it I feel I'm good to go but in this section I don't feel I have that. Is there any source (either internet or printed) where I can see a depiction/description of the trail route? No worries for the Swedish sections, it's the rest that worries me. I've just ordered the german guidebood (Peter Bieckel's) even if I can't read german in case there's such depiction, that'd be helpful.

Anyway, to cut it short: any info on the Kautokeino - Kilpisjarvi section is so much welcome. I'll be starting in early August. For a bit of background, I'm a experienced hiker and wilderness traveler but have never hiked in the arctic regions. Never been there at all actually (and I can't wait!)
Thanks again, I so much appreciate the help

Hello Inaki,

I will have a look at my maps and my notes from the hike and get back to this thread in a couple of days.

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