ETD was planned to 18.00 but due to several different parameters, we couldn’t leave until 20:30.
The ferry ride felt like the beginning of this adventure, synchronistic ally I also bought a deodorant called “Adventure” by David Off, the tone was set for this adventure. The weather wasn’t that good it got dark early and the rain poured down profusely. At Odense it was time to find some food it wasn’t that easy it seemed that most places were already closed? The only thing we could trust was Statoil; we bought some necessary and some unnecessary food/drinks for the hostel. Thanks to printed Google maps, a GPS phone and a good memory we succeeded to find the hostel in Horsens, it was a very nice four star hostel
I had a good night’s sleep and then we started to make breakfast, we tried to buy some coffee without Danish money, so the staff were nice to give it to us for free, but the bad thing was that we now had an extra member that we hadn’t paid for yet, So when I got the question “How many people are you?” I couldn’t lie we were four people. But it may have looked like we tried to bail out on the extra bed. I hope we didn’t create a bad reputation for Swedish people, since this was an unintentional thing. We finished up the Danish breakfast (juice, matilda, coffee, fresh bread, salami and of course Danish smelly cheese) in the early morning sun, before we packed the car and then went searching for the three different summits/;
before we could pinpoint where it was, just behind a farm building full with cows, not so glamorous, eh? The height of Møllehøj is supposed to be 170,86 m but according to the international principle of primary factors Ejer Bavnehøj and Møllehøj are defined as one complete top, eh?
The most difficult thing with this “climb” was to find them and then to find out which one that was the highest one? Since we weren’t sure we decided to include all the three hill tops in our expedition/J
Then it was time to drive south and cross the impressive bridge “Storebæltsbroen”, due to a lot of traffic jam (the road was full of holiday cars) it took quite some time to drive to Møens Klint, but we also made a dinner break at Jensen’s Bøfhus with a delicious three course meal/J
Before we got to our two star hostel we went down to the Geocenter at Møens Klint and the five hundreds stairs to the beach. It was good to move around after sitting in a car for so long time. It was very beautiful but unfortunately my mobile camera was out of power, so I couldn’t digitalize the experience. The cliffs were white because of chalk from the remains of lime shells from a tropical sea that covered most of Northern Europe 75 million years ago. There were also a lot of flint stones at the waterfront. Then we went to our hostel for a long refreshing night sleep. But this night it was extensive commotion not among the other guests but in our own camp.
Woke up to a sunny day, but there was also something else in the air. We had a very basic breakfast before it was time to explore Møens Klint Geocenter we watched the 3D movie, it was quite fascinating seeing the sea monster swimming towards you especially the “Mosasaurs”, oops. Then we explored the rest of the exhibition at the Geocenter. Then it was time to get muddy/J
We went to the northern part of the cliffs were we tried to find the Devils cliff by walking through unknown territory of moraine clay. Some of us found it others of us, me included found the Devil in another shape of swarms of flies, and they were actually quite harmless even though they almost looked like wasps. It was just that they were so many and that they wanted to get really close to you. But it didn’t stop me from exploring further down the coastline, but after a while I had enough of the flies, the focus was more on taking them off than focusing on the actual beauty of the place. But just before I was getting ready for the stairs I decided to wash of the mud from my sandals. I went into the sea water and bent a little bit forward enough to let my mobile slid out of my pocket and into the ocean, great, really great, can things really get worse? I didn’t know if I should get angry or cry or just laugh at the whole experience. So I decided enough is enough and started to climb the stairs while I was perspiring profusely (why did I leave my water in another backpack?). There was a lot of rustle along the path back, but I only saw one black snake. So we met up with the other guys and then it was time to hit the road home. We made one stop at the center of Copenhagen at a very special restaurant with the name “RizRaz” they had a fantastic vegetarian buffet which you could top with meat or fish if you wanted, I tried the swordfish in ginger. But there was also the option to order a real T-bone steak 550 g for real Cowboys/J
It was nice to have a dinner break and the option to feel the Danish atmosphere at “Strøget”
Thanks to a the GPS phone we succeeded to find our way out from Copenhagen and back to Helsingborg.
The last question I had on my mind was “What the fuck should I do with my soaking mobile?”
Maybe I should pull it apart as much as possible, put it in sterile water and then bake it in the oven at 40-60 degrees? What do you think?
Roadmap (theoretical)
I think the Danish people are very friendly and relaxed; they seem to enjoy life more than Swedish people? But I still have problem to understand their language.
If you want to see the entire travel journal go here:
This was another adventure.
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