SMHI weather forecasr reliability


Could anyone comment on SMHI weather forecast usual reliability for Kebnekaise area?

According to 5 and 10 days weather forecast, next week weather in Tarfala is not too exciting.

Hower the forecast on several other sites such as Meteogroup indicate beautiful weather over the same period. See for ex.

Can't t be both. I'd appreciate any input and advice that could help me decide if it's worth traveling to the area or not.


Well, actually it can be both. One type of weather on each side of the mountain ridge. A common situation is nice weather on the eastern side, and bad weather coming in from the west. Whether the weather from the east or from the west happens to blow in on a given day is a lottery, with low odds for bad weather.
The forecast appears to be what I would expect this time of the year, so It's probably as reliable as à weatherforecast can be...;)

Weather this late in the season change often, and risk for bad really bad weather increase by the week...

The weather

in the mountain of Kebnekaise itself is very commonly worse than in the surroundings. Clouds and high winds at altitude.

SMHI is usually more accurate for the next day than the others you have mentioned but the reliability for 10 days is always poor.

Good luck have a nice trip.

I'd say forecasts for the swedish mountains are really inaccurate and not very much to trust since the weather varies from one valey to another, and changes so fast, so a 5 day forecast simply isn't trustworthy ;)

Some say is more accurate than, but who knows..

I'd plan for the worst, and i'd say october isn't that exciting, to be honest..

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