Haute Route in Sweden

I would be interested to find out what are the possible options for one week ski touring trip to Sweden. I heard that there is a specified route from Abisko to Kebnekaise, and since I will travel to Sweden from Finland, Abisko would be a perfect place to start ( I can get there by bus easily, from Haparanda), and Fjällstation to finish. The time would be 23.2. - 3.3.2002, and according to the info I have, on 3.3. there should be a snowmobile (or bandvagn) transportation available from Fjällstation to Nikkaluokta. How long does it take to ski to Fjällstation from Abisko, i.e. how ling is the tour and which route does it follow. Initial plan would be to carry a tent so the accommodation (huts) wont be necessary, atleast not for every night. (I guess some of the huts are still closed at that time). Anyone reading this forum ever skied through that route? Experiences and advises or tips? Does the route cross glaciers, and what kind of skills would be recommended to succesfully finish the route?

I would appreciate any info you might be able to provide.

Regards, Joni
There is a "new" Haute Route between Abisko and Keb. There was a article about it in either issue 7 or 8 of Utemagasinet (http://www.utemag.com) or in the latest issue of Turist (the member magazine from STF, (http://www.stfturist.se). I don't remember where I've read it. Anyone else? The article was of course in Swedish.

A suggestion is to call Abisko +46 980 40200. If I understood the STF web page correctly, they are open til 14/12.

Thanks, I will check them out. Reading swedish is not a problem (only writing it is :)). Any real-life experiences on similar routes, and ski randonnee in that specific area?
True. I have been in Kebne last time in March this year, did some climbing as well as a short ski tour from FS to Tarfala and back. I guess the Abisko-FS route passes the Tarfala as well. Anyhow, I shall go and buy the latest Ute Mag for details.
Depending of what skiing you're into this could be something: http://w1.865.telia.com/~u86520535/Abisko_2000_1/main_Abisko2000.htm Not really up to date, but what the heck!

The near surrondings of Abisko Fjällstation is great and the people working there can guide you on nice tours, where to go and so on!

Tjåmahus mountain and the valley of Siellavaggi... are great places! Easy to access (one day!) and nice off pist skiing.

Check out http://www.lantmateriet.se/index.htm and "Här kan du titta och köpa", make your own map of the northern of Sweden!

Johan Mattsson

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