
  1. RobM

    Isdrift på Vättern

    Report about Visingsö incident 2011-02-25 A detailed report in English with facts and lessons-learned about this incident is now available at: http://www.hlsk.nl/documents/111231_VisingsoIncident2011_v10.pdf The report links to a Google Picasaweb album with pictures and movies, that can also...
  2. RobM

    Swimming under the ice

    Look at an amazing recent video from a few skaters in New Zealand: http://chipofftheiceblock.blogspot.com/2011/07/icy-plunge.html The most interesting part is at the end of the video.
  3. RobM

    Glatt i Holland inom kort!

    Skating started today 3 jan 2010 in Holland I returned from Sweden yesterday 2/1/10 (good skating in Värmland!) and to my surprise I could already skate today 3/1/10 in Holland, because on some undeep lakes and canals the old ice from december still was there. See some isobs on SN. Hollands...
  4. RobM

    New skating movie (nederlansk)

    Hej Johan! I returned from Sweden yesterday 2/1/10 (good skating in Värmland!) and to my surprise I could already skate today 3/1/10 in Holland, because on some undeep lakes and canals the old ice from december still was there. See some isobs on SN. So far my hope for 16:de lopp i Friesland...
  5. RobM

    Glatt i Holland inom kort!

    No skating yet in Holland No real tourskating this weekend (19/12) in Holland. Ice was almost ready, 3 - 4 cm on small canals, but yesterday 10 - 30 cm (!!) snow has come. Very rare in Holland, so much snow. People will be skating, and movies on YouTube will pop up, but only on fields where a...
  6. RobM

    New skating movie (nederlansk)

    Some details The few things I know about the film De hel van 63: - the film is called "The hell of 1963" = "Helvetet av 1963" since the Elfstedentocht of 1963 is famous for its very, very bad circumstances. It is considered as the worst tour ever. Only 69 people out of 9294 participants...
  7. RobM

    Hjälp att definiera "långfärdsskridskoåkning"

    Pictures Nice pictures David! Now that all ice on lakes and canals in Holland has disappeared, it is allways nice to see skating pictures of other countries. By the way, no comments on Krister´s and David´s well thought text. We have more than at least seven expressions for tour skating in...
  8. RobM

    Holländskt vs nordisk teknik?

    Teknik I don´t think that, in Holland, we optimized our skating teknik due to blankis and rundbanor. I think all optimization has been done only in attempts to be the fastest, no matter if it is for allround speedskating on ovals, or marathons on natural ice. The Elvastadloppet is the most...
  9. RobM

    Hjälp att definiera "långfärdsskridskoåkning"

    Biddinghuizen Jag har åkt med långfärdsskridskor på fötterna på 5 km konstfrusen banan i Biddinghuizen, Holland. Vad heter det?
  10. RobM

    Holland verkar helt magiskt

    You have to choose I think some information is on it´s place here. If you come to Holland for skating, you will have to choose between two ways of doing a tour. 1. The first one is about the page you linked to: those are organized tours done by iceclubs from the local villages, with permisson...
  11. RobM

    Holland verkar helt magiskt

    Last chance Holland is indeed magic this weekend! The weather forecast talks about warmer weather starting monday evening 12/1/09. I think tomorrow and tuesday will be the last days of good skating in Holland within this cold period. With plusgrader, the ice degenerates faster here than in...
  12. RobM

    Info om Nederländerna?

    Nederlands Kampioenschap (NK) Translation: The last time the NK was held, is 1996: Bert Verduin was the strongest on 30 december in that year in Ankeveen. Five days later Henk Angenent won the Elfstedentocht. Det finns is, men inte så tjock. Kanske 6 - 8 cm. We have had a strange situation...
  13. RobM

    Info om Nederländerna?

    Limited time We from Hollands LSK put isobs on Skridskonätet, but now that there is such good ice in Holland, for the first time in 12 years, we are running out of time each day! Last weekend we had 4 guests from our systerföreningen Linköpings LK, and coming weekend we are expecting more than...
  14. RobM


    Ånnsjön Enligt SLSK forum http://www.gather.to/Default.aspx?id=2628 ligger Ånnsjön! Se rapporten av Rolf Andersson, 6 nov 2008. /Rob.
  15. RobM

    Nu ligger kanalerna i Holland!

    Ingen sand på isen I can understand that sand on the ice stays in your memory for a long time, because it can be very boring and even dangerous at high speeds. But, please don´t spread the image about "ice in Holland is often sandy", because this is not true. I skate for 36 years in Holland...
  16. RobM

    Nu ligger kanalerna i Holland!

    Hollands Kanaler Sorry guys, that I couldn´t react sooner. I was in Värmland for the Christmas week (and did very good skating with Valter, tack Valter!). Niklas, thanks for the all the right answers about skating in Holland. The message that we could skate was correct. Se bifogade bilder...
  17. RobM

    New: 5 km long artificial skating track in Holland

    Ankeveen Ja, filmen på YouTube var igår! Men bara 20 - 25 meter långt på en kanal 20cm djup. Jag hoppas att jag kan göra en isobservation på skridsko.net för Ankeveen idag eller imorgon. Kanske "med tvekan åkbar". Vi ska se. /Rob.
  18. RobM

    New: 5 km long artificial skating track in Holland

    Open! Last sunday, 16 december 2007, the track in Biddinghuizen opened. They were very lucky with the weather last week: -1 up to -4 each night, during the day maximum +3. Hollands LSK had the annual meeting on the track and it was very succesful. The track feels very natural, I think they...
  19. RobM

    Virtual skate museum (English/nederlands)

    Schaatsmuseum I am sorry David but I am not an expert in the history of skates and skating. The only thing I can add is to mention the (famous in Holland) Dutch Skating Museum in Hindeloopen, Friesland. On their website www.schaatsmuseum.nl they promise to have the following things in their...
  20. RobM

    New: 5 km long artificial skating track in Holland

    Opening postponed Last weekend the 5 km track in Biddinghuizen in Holland should have been opened for skating. On friday there were the last tests being done by famous skaters, doing the whole 5 km track, to get the attention of the big newspapers here in Holland. But, in the night from friday...

Sova ute en natt i månaden

Anna och Anna har hittat det bästa ”lifehacket” någonsin – och upptäckt många naturreservat i sömnen.