Sprayway TL Torridon

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Gore-tex 4-säsongsjacka från Sprayway.

Tillverkare: Sprayway

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Kommentar: Am on my fourth Torridon jacket which I have had for about a year, and it is already beginning to fall to pieces. I had the previous jackets replaced under guarantee because of delamination and faults in the workmanship. Even contacted Sprayway to say that I was having problems, and they didnt seem to be bothered!

My advice to you is never to buy Sprayway products!! You cant rely on them!

Fjälledarens tips: Så packar du lätt och når längre

Ibland får man ut mer av naturupplevelser när man tar ut svängarna. Fjälledaren Oskar berättar hur han hittar en större frihetskänsla utomhus.