Northern lights and CC skying course

I'm looking for a short course in cross country skying for me and my wife and want to combine it with a short vacation up north so we can also see the northern lights at night

I saw an option to rent a guide at Saltoluokta and I think about renting one for about two days.
We can also join an existing group if you know something like that.

We are planning to be in the Jokkmokk area in beginning-mid March for about 5-6 days.
Any ideas?
I have seen this "try out backcountry skiing" classes in Abisko a few times, I feel it is really just a "try out" and not a short beginners course that would make you able to go on easy short trips (around a Fjällstation for example) on your own.
Personally I would go for a two day course in Saltoluokta instead even if it of course costs more. You will learn more, Saltoluokta is a very (!) nice place - a lot calmer then Abisko, I have seen very nice northern-lights even there.

Have fun in the swedish winter - I am looking forward to it as well.

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