When is it best to hike Kungsleden

Hey! :)

I mostly understand Swedish (I'm Danish) but I don't write it, so feel free to reply in whatever language suits you.

I'm planning to do the nothern part of Kungsleden from Abisko to Nikkaloukta (or maybe the other way) this summer but I'm still undecided about when to start. I'll be able to go from the last week of June (but I guess that's still a bit too early) until the second week of August. Right now I'm leaning toward July for no particular reason.

Was is the difference between the different times to do the trail? Is earlier or later better? In terms of mosquitoes, or weather (I know that's pretty unpredictable), amount of people on the trail, wetness of trail, or something else?

Thank you!
A normal year the period when it's best is usually from last week in June until beginning of September.

If snowmelting is late it might still be a little bit snowy in Tjäktapasset last week in June.

Generally you have the smallest amount of mosquitos as early on or as late as possible.

Earlier on the season daylight is longer but ground can be more wet due to snowmelting and higher water in rivers.

Late on the season leaves start to be less green but sometimes ground is drier and also often slightly less mosquitos.
I would choose "as late as possible", in your case middle of august. Why? Normally there are less mosquitos, dryer ground and less people. But you have to be prepared for cold/colder weather, eg below zero in the nights. Daylight is still plenty and it's dark enoght to be able to sleep in the night. If the autum is early you may see the fells "on fire" as the vegetation changes from green to yellow/orange/red...
Normally the best season is from mid July and 3 weeks into August. My recommendation is that you plan your hike during the period from last week of July and 10 days into August.
Ensure you are off the trail before the Fjällräven Classic event starts, otherwise you will have company of thousands of hikers and helikopters. This year the event is August 11-18 with start in Nikkaluokta.
Normally the best season is from mid July and 3 weeks into August. My recommendation is that you plan your hike during the period from last week of July and 10 days into August.
Ensure you are off the trail before the Fjällräven Classic event starts, otherwise you will have company of thousands of hikers and helikopters. This year the event is August 11-18 with start in Nikkaluokta.

+1. You will be doing exactly the Fjällräven Classic trail (or the reverse if you start in A), so unless you really want a lot of company while walking, it is best to avoid those days.

Moreover, I recommend walking from N to A rather than the other way around, simply because Abisko is a nicer place in which to finish your hike.

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