Wandering during the Walborgs break

Hej Everyone !

I am thinking of two alternatives for hiking during the period: May 1 to May 3 or4.
Option 1) Walk along Sörmlandsleden.
Keep walking and stop at Vandehems or pitch a tent (I dont have a tent)
Option 2) Travel to Dalarna (the temperatures there seem good for hikes)
and walk around a single vanderhem or walk from one vanderhem to

I am loking for travel tips as well as fellow-hikers.
About me : I am a Indian man working at KTH in Stockholm. My knowledge of
Swedish is increasing but still not much to brag about. I have
an Indian sense of openness and adventure. So, if you feel like
listening to stories from the Jungles (and also cities) of Southern India while
teaching me Svenska, please drop a line.
Hello Maben,
nice to see that not all stockholmare are occupied during next weekend. I tried to find someone to walk with a couple of weeks ago, but no one has answered.

I had in mind a 2 days walk along Sörmlandsleden or Upplandsleden (Runsa-Ängsjö or Kallhäll-Barkarby), so that I could test my new nicelooking red Akto. But I´ve also got a Nallo3 GT that I can lend you.

So,... is there anyone more ,exept Maben and me, who has nothing planed for next weekend and who wants to get out "into the wild"?:)

Hej !

Well, two people is a start. Two days is OK too. I have no preference between
Sörmlandsleden and Upplandsleden. Both would be new to me. Let us decide
on which two days based on the weather forecast available on Wednesday the 31st.
It is perhaps a good idea to chat details over coffee on Wednesday evening.

Lena: It is very kind of you to lend me the Nallo. Thanks.

Planning details

Hej !

It will be good to have a small crowd walking. To everyone who hasnt made up your minds:
Here is a chance to hear all the insider tourist information on India - straight from an Indian.
Not to mention the chance to tell us interesting stories you know !

Shall we take the walk on Thursday and Friday ? It might rain a bit on Thursday but
it would be great if I can be free on Saturday.

I am planning to go to the Walborgs bonfire on Wednesday either at Clubbensborg in
Mälarhöjden or at Skansen. Perhaps, we can meet then and discuss plans.
My mobile phone number is: 070 686 9174.


Fjälledarens tips: Så packar du lätt och når längre

Ibland får man ut mer av naturupplevelser när man tar ut svängarna. Fjälledaren Oskar berättar hur han hittar en större frihetskänsla utomhus.