Jag kan rekommendera boken "One move too many" av Hochholtzer och Shoeffl, ASIN-nummer B0001ME18E. Ganska dyr på nätet men vad jag minns betydligt billigare på Karbin.
Klippt från Amazon:
"Written by physician-climbers Thomas Hochholzer and Volker Schoeffl, "One Move Too Many" is the most comprehensive book on preventing, diagnosing, and treating of climbing overuse syndromes and injuries ever written.Features: Aiming to empower climbers rather than disturb them, this book explains the nature and treatment of the bodily afflictions in order to provide insight. Covering areas like stretching, taping, nutrition, and traumatic injuries, this must-have climber's manual can help prevent injury and assist in situations where prevention was not possible. Dr.'s Hochholzer and Volker advocate care for one's body over the ultimate pursuit of climbing goals at the cost of of your future health. Written from a climber's perspective with a medical background, this comprehensive book addresses climbing-specific issues that would not otherwise be covered in first-aid manuals. 229 pages with color climbing photographs and (thankfully) black and white photographs of injuries."