Nokia 6600 + blåtandsGPS med Powernavigation

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PowerNavigation will let you use your Bluetooth GPS receiver in connection with your smartphone for all kinds of navigation tasks as effectively as possible. You can use custom maps with the help of PowerNavigation and the freeware MapEditor. It will also let you watch direction, movement speed, level of GPS signal and satellites' monitoring, record the passed way, create waypoints, tracks and different sound events.

Nice product, but needs improvement!
Patrick Edelmann from Germany, August 4, 2004
I recently downloaded this product. The product has much potential. It easily connected to my blootooth device and displayed my current position. However, there is no map available yet and the provided map editor (PC-version) does not work correctly. The grid does not fit to the longitude-latitude values and so a map calibration is impossible. The Symbian tool itself is very nice. I hope the developers will fix the map editor soon, or at least provide some maps with the product itself. Besided the problem with the map feature a very good product.

Gick att kalibrera en kartbit trots allt i Mapeditor ver 1 med två punkter övre vänstra och nedre högra hörnet. Den kalibrerade kartan nu på test i en Nokiatelefon med Fortuna blåtand GPS.

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