Är i en omgivning där "Det stora äventyret" i form av handling, prat och drömmar florerar.Mina äventyr är också stora men kanske på ett lite annorlunda vis.Jag vill med denna Blogg inspirera till äventyr och kanske en och annan eftertanke.

Användarnamn: Grandma


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Baking time

Together... And as I live 7 months in the station it is sort of my home, and yesterday, I invited two guests to bake with me and talk about Nepal; Grandmas project...and laugh,   ...and all the Kanelbullar did not look traditional.     Thank you Nicklas, thank you Fredrik, for your support and good advices.

Kanelbulle ideas!!!!

I like to share some ideas to raise money in a literally good way...yammy. Bake buns together! Grandparents together with grandchildren or vice versa. Invite friends and neighbours for a "fika". Let them donate whatever they can and talk about Nepal, Tuki Nepal ( find information in the internet!). Or just sit down, talk and have a good time together. This doesn't give any money directly to the kids in Nepal, but in a long term- I believe -it is good for all of us; and maybe it creates new ideas.  As a grandmother, I will let my grandchildren be a "fadder" for a child in Nepal. All that information one can find at www.tukinepal.org/ And, of course, it is not only grandparents and grandchildren that can bake. It can be friends; colleagues; school classes; hobby groups. Name it! And make a photo! Send it to me: kanelbulle60@gmail.com  That will be fun. My idea is, not to stand in the streets and sell kanelbulle.  Make it cozy at home, and now, as the darker time of the year is coming, light candles and talk with eachother

Bake buns together! Grandparents together with grandchildren or vice versa. Invite friends and neighbours for a "fika". Let them donate whatever they can and talk about Nepal, Tuki Nepal ( find information in the internet!). Or just sit down, talk and have a good time together. This doesn't give any money directly to the kids in Nepal, but in a long term- I believe -it is good for all of us; and maybe it creates new ideas. 

Delivery, by rain and wind

With another 25 Kanelbullar in the backback, a friend and me are on our way to deliver them to  Tarfala mountain hut. The Swedish Climbing Association has bought them for a group of girls and their leaders, learning about climbing . "Expensive "Kanelbullar... and of course, the money is donated to Tuki Nepal. Guess how happy the group was when they came in from training,  wet and cold, and found hot chocolate and buns waiting for them at the table. One leader almost started to cry . I talked about the Grandma project and that this money goes to girls in Nepal.  Great reactions and  big thanks to the Association. And as we happily walked home and came across this bridge  I thought:  Build up Nepal stronger; replace the old, weak constructions for longer lasting ones...  in the name of humility. Grandma

Äventyr för en klass 9? Jag hoppas det!

Inne på stationen. En klass låg uthällda på golvet i hallen och jag frågade vem de var och var de kom från. Nä, vi hänger här och laddar våra mobiler och väntar på våra lärare som är i restaurangen och äter lunchbuffe....................Köpte lite godis till dem efter det att jag förklarat vem jag var och varför de skulle hälla ut sej på ett lite bättre ställe så att de slapp bli trampade på gick jag vidare. Jag hoppas de förstår att de är viktiga, att vi s.k vuxna bryr oss om dem och att de slipper bli de stora, starka, ansvarstagande, omtänksamma människor som de förväntas bli på annat än godis och vatten till lunch. Kram på era alla 9:or Grandma

Grandma  @-}-- 

The start: Grandmas high altitude baking for "our" grandchildren in Nepal

What an amazing day..and strenuous. To the  peak of our highest mountain in Sweden with a Kanelbulle , cinnamon roll, of 2.860 gr. I am working as a baker in Kebnekaise Mountain station. Today I am 55 years old and by the time I get 60 I would like to have fulfilled an idea, to bake a Swedish cinnamon roll in Everest Base Camp. When the earthquake came I had thoughts about how to help the country that carries my idea and dream, so today I carried ! a giant cinnamon roll up to the peak and served it together with information of my project to raise money for Nepal. In different ways, but the Kanelbulle as the theme. I have contacted Tuki Nepal in Sweden and they stand behind me. It is also them that you can talk to or look up in the internet if you have any questions.www.tukinepal.org. I will learn more about Tuki Nepal and their projects, but for now, they will help me/us.  06.00. On our way  My nice colleagues and friends together on a mission.  Great...and steep. We will soon start to climb  but first a glacier walk.    The Kanelbulle securely tucked away in my backpack. 11 pm and up, but still 45 minutes to the peak.  Oh yes......... 12.00. The biggest ? on the highest .....   The Kanelbulle and me on the peak. We shared the bun with others on the peak and the reactions were great.Thank you!  On our way down we came across this prayer flags,  and as I felt very humble and grateful for the day, I could not but think that this was a good sign. And finally I give you  this "Förgät mig ej". In English? Forget me not? and lets not forget Nepal and its needs. Grandma P.s In my next posts I will share some of my Kanelbulle ideas D.s

I am working as a baker in Kebnekaise Mountain station. Today I am 55 years old and by the time I get 60 I would like to have fulfilled an idea, to bake a Swedish cinnamon roll in Everest Base Camp. When the earthquake came I had thoughts about how to help the country that carries my idea and dream, so today I carried ! a giant cinnamon roll up to the peak and served it together with information of my project to raise money for Nepal. In different ways, but the Kanelbulle as the theme. I have contacted Tuki Nepal in Sweden and they stand behind me. It is also them that you can talk to or look up in the internet if you have any questions.www.tukinepal.org. I will learn more about Tuki Nepal and their projects, but for now, they will help me/us. 

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Fjälledarens tips: Så packar du lätt och når längre

Ibland får man ut mer av naturupplevelser när man tar ut svängarna. Fjälledaren Oskar berättar hur han hittar en större frihetskänsla utomhus.