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Kebnekaise i juni

Hej hej!!

I'm a climber from Österrike and will work on a farm during the first 3 weeks of june. I would like to climb up kebnekaise and I am looking for a partner for this trip. I am quite free regarding the exact date.

So would be great if someone wants to go there too! Otherwise I would also appreciate tipps and sharing of your experience.


hey fabian.
hope you find someone to go with! kebnekaise is easy to just walk up on, so no climbing or gear needed. and usualy there is lots and lots of people there so even if you go by yourself you will find people to socialise with.but if you want there is "real" climbing in the area(but go to norway for realreal climbing). send an email to the climbingclub in kiruna or to the touriststation in kebnekaise and they can give you info.there is a topo or climbingguide for the area, you can by it from kiruna climbingclub or klätterförbundet.http://www.klatterforbundet.se/skf_info.php?id=5&subsida=1
i think its like 60 years old.

good luck!

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