Mygg och knott i Jämtlandsfjällen!!?

Undrar om någon har koll på mygg och knott nivån i Jämtlands och Härjedalsfjällen?
Är det lugnare uppe på fjället? Ska upp och vandra lite runt Helags!
Tacksam för svar!!
Mygg- och knott-nivån?

Undrar om någon har koll på mygg och knott nivån i Jämtlands och Härjedalsfjällen?
Är det lugnare uppe på fjället? Ska upp och vandra lite runt Helags!
Tacksam för svar!!
Jag vet inte riktigt hur man ska mäta eller ange mygg- och knott-nivån. Det blir ju naturligtvis en ytterst subjektiv bedömning som färgas av uppgiftslämnarens tycke och egna erfarenheter som referenser. Svaren kan ju därför variera väldigt beroende på vem du frågar.
Ofta är det dock så att det brukar vara mindre mygg och knott på kalfjället än i skogspartierna. Beroende på att det ofta blåser betydligt mer på kalfjället än i skogen.
Räkna istället med att det alltid finns mygg och knott, såvida det inte är, eller har varit frost-tider. Besväras man av mygg och knott så tar man helt enkelt med sig myggmedel och/eller myggnät, vilket fungerar alldeles utmärkt.
God tur!
Var uppe i Helags för en vecka sedan och då var det fler flugor (!) än mygg och knott. I björkskogen vid Kläppen var det dock inte roligt, myggen var otroligt envisa. Uppe på kalfjället var det inget problem så länge det blåste. När vinden avtog så tog det en liten stund innan knotten kom fram, myggen höll sig borta.
Man ska visserligen inte göra reklam här, men jag ska upp å fiska under sommaren i valsjöbyn här brukar de lägga ut info varannan vecka typ. Tänk på att blodsugarna är lokalt påverkade, ibland är det heltomt på ett ställe, tre mil bort kan man inte visa sig ute...
Hello from Holland. I just registered and can read a bit of Swedish but find it too hard to write. I searched for information on mygg and knott in Jamtland and googled this site.
Can anyone tell me (please in English?) how bad the problem is there?

Above writers seem to say the problem is there and you need to take precautions. I am planning on moving there and would like to hear from people how they deal with this problem. Cos mygg and knott love me :)

Hello from Holland. I just registered and can read a bit of Swedish but find it too hard to write. I searched for information on mygg and knott in Jamtland and googled this site.
Can anyone tell me (please in English?) how bad the problem is there?

Above writers seem to say the problem is there and you need to take precautions. I am planning on moving there and would like to hear from people how they deal with this problem. Cos mygg and knott love me :)
There aren't really any precautions to take. Repellants don't work when there are so many insects that you would actually need it. Just stay above the treeline and don't get out of your tent unless there's a strong breeze. =)
Hello from Holland. I just registered and can read a bit of Swedish but find it too hard to write. I searched for information on mygg and knott in Jamtland and googled this site.
Can anyone tell me (please in English?) how bad the problem is there?

Above writers seem to say the problem is there and you need to take precautions. I am planning on moving there and would like to hear from people how they deal with this problem. Cos mygg and knott love me :)


Have you found this page: ? Or this ?

I don´t live in Jämtland but I've been hiking there during a couple of weeks. I would like to say that there are more mosquitos further up north but that can change with the seassons.
Mygg och knott

Hej Christy!

When are you plannig to go to Jämtland? Early or late summer?

I´ve been walking in the Jämtland mountains a couple of times, I prefer August or September, because to my experience the problem with mosquitos and gnats is less than it is earlier in the summer. But it can be different from one year to an other.

My opinion is that repellants works, at least a little.

Don´t let the mosquitos and gnats stop you from visiting Jämtland, it´s a loverly place to go to!

Have a nice trip or "Go tur" as they use to say in Norway

Wow, thank you for all the responses. I have been to Scandinavia a couple of times and loved it very much. Now I saw a house for sale and am considering going up to look at it. But if it is an area where you get eaten alive by insecs, it would be hard to enjoy my summers there.
So I'm trying to figure out how much of a problem it would be.

If I'm there 6 months a year and have to stay indoors 3 months, it wouldn't be fun :(
Would you think in the daytime it would be ok? They seemed to come mostly as nightfall but in Bergen we really had to stay indoors after 6pm. Now that was woodland and this is open area with a lake near it.
Again, tack so mycket for your time
ps I am very excited about the thought of moving to Sweden if only part-time. I am always much happier there then here.
Wow, thank you for all the responses. I have been to Scandinavia a couple of times and loved it very much. Now I saw a house for sale and am considering going up to look at it. But if it is an area where you get eaten alive by insecs, it would be hard to enjoy my summers there.
So I'm trying to figure out how much of a problem it would be.
Well, people are obviously living there, so it must be bearable in some way. I've spent some summers in a cabin in Jämtland (at the edge of a swamp!), and though there are nights when you'd rather not have dinner outside it's never been a problem to the degree that I wouldn't want to go there. If there are lots of insects you just wear socks and long sleeves.
Would you think in the daytime it would be ok? They seemed to come mostly as nightfall but in Bergen we really had to stay indoors after 6pm. Now that was woodland and this is open area with a lake near it.
Yes, mosquitos usually stay in the shade to avoid dehydration, at least when it's sunny. You could always get a canoe and get out on the lake when the insects attack. They don't like moving too far away from wind cover. =)
Above writers seem to say the problem is there and you need to take precautions. I am planning on moving there and would like to hear from people how they deal with this problem. Cos mygg and knott love me :)


Hello Christy. You say that you are planning on moving there. I was raised in Östersund, and there were (at least back then) no mygg or knott in the city. They get more numerous the closer you get to the forests, and yes, they tend to get more aggressive at nightfall - perhaps mostly because there is normally less wind at night. It would be interesting to get a link to the house you are considering.

But how do people cope with them? Well, firstly, the insect season is not THAT long. June is normally quite alright. And then you have repellants, mosquito net windows and doors, clothing and movement. Some people also benefit from having company that the mosquitos like better ;-)
Some people also benefit from having company that the mosquitos like better ;-)

Yep, I'm the one that insects like better ;) Hence the question.
I am very happy with the answers and will probably be going up to have a look at the place. It's a very long drive so I wanted to check before undertaking such an adventure.
Only snag is that the season would run for me from april to october so most of it is in insect-time. But like Lämmeldoft said, ther are people living there so it has to be bearable.

Thanks again and very much looking forward to being in your beautiful country again.
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