Forgotten photos

Here are some photos, mostly from other photographers, which I have had on my desktop for ever, finally online.

bathing.jpg (56710 byte)
Photo: Alessandra Meniconzi
Taking a swin in a water channel close to Kazerman, Kirgizstan, 2000.


piklenin.jpg (13257 byte)
Photo: Alessandra Meniconzi
A wild and angry blizzard is approaching. Fast!
Taking shelter, pinning down the tents.
Tajikistan, 2000.
telstation.jpg (58184 byte)
Photo: Alessandra Meniconzi
Russian friends on top a 3000 meter pass. They work up there as telekom techs and liked to have a visit from abroad.
Kirgizstan, 2000.
bikerepair.jpg (27076 byte)
Photo: Alessandra Meniconzi
Having a big bike repair day in Bishkek, Kirigzstan, 2000.

Photo: Farid Laid
En fascist French guy accuses our American friend of being a "puss" (the "y" never pronounced :-) ). At the time the photo was shot, we had a competition in catching a knife.

The insults of being a "puss" went over the top and in the end it all ended in a bizarre wrestling bout, which the French lost badly. Accusations about cheating followed.

Kathmandu 2001.

Photo: Farid Laid
Shaving has never been one of my strong sides.

Katmandu 2001.

Photo: Farid Laid
On the way to the airport. Really happy to leave Kathmandu. A long period of bad luck, which included a broken foot, murder attempts on one of our friends, street violence etc. we finally made up our minds where to go next. Off to Greece via Bahrain.

Katmandu 2001.