NOLS WMI, Irland

2016-03-21 09:00 - 09:00

Plats: Adventure Burren, Irland

Adventure Burren, Burren, Ireland 21-23 mars, 2016.
Detta är vår första kurs på Irland och kursen undervisas på engelska (fast med svensk instruktör). This is the first WMI course in Ireland and of course it is taught in English. Adventure Burren is hosting and they are promising some fun events before and after the WMI course if you are interested. St Patrick's Day is celebrated just before our WMI course. This 3-day Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course will help you prepare for the unexpected. The course is fast paced, hands-on training is designed to meet the needs of trip leaders, camp staff, outdoor enthusiasts and individuals working in remote locations. Price: Euro 375.00 Food & Lodging is not included but Adventure Burren will help you find inexpensive lodging. Contact us for a detailed course description:

Crossing Latitudes NOLS Wilderness Medicine

Fjälledarens tips: Så packar du lätt och når längre

Ibland får man ut mer av naturupplevelser när man tar ut svängarna. Fjälledaren Oskar berättar hur han hittar en större frihetskänsla utomhus.